Wondering what´s so bloody wonderful: It´s not like I woke up one day and found myself childless. That was a progressive thing. But I did wake up one day to find myself angry. That was a sudden thing. I was angry about being childless. Angry that at the age of 38 I was suddenly 'too old' , and my fertility bits were -in the carefully chosen words of my gynaecologist- 'probably buggered'. I was angry that while I had a dream job -the job I had set my sights on a decade earlier- I felt unfulfilled. Angry that all I had to show for the past fifteen years, or more, were a few journalism awards and a household of expensive clutter. Angry that many around me believed I had a perfect life, and I knew I didnt´t. Angry that while I had always considered myself independent and unconventional, I was suddenly mourning my lack of convention and wishing I had a little weatherboard house with a garden and a picket fence. Most of all, I was angry that I seemed to be out of control of my emotions, and possibily out of my mind.Así empieza el ensayo, firmado por
Virginia Haussegger:
Wonder Woman, the myth of 'having it all', un regalo de Reyes Magos que me está arrancando carcajadas y lagrimones a partes iguales. El mito de la "mujer maravilla" lo encarnó diligentemente
la Diana de Phil Jiménez, una de las épocas que más gustaron, pero que a una servidora siempre le dio bastante repelús. Esa "mujer agenda" -que por la mañana salva el planeta, a mediodía discute en la ONU sobre la paz en el Tercer Mundo y por la noche se come un helado con su hermana del alma, no sin antes pasar por unas cuantas ONG´s- que tan pocas sospechas suscita, es la que Haussegger destripa y el dibujante
Mike Allred retrata
para una publicidad de maquillaje. Medusa -villana y, por lo tanto, representada en su versión mitológica más tradicional, la antiestética- sucumbe al poder de esta Wonder Woman siempre perfecta. El premio es la iluminación cosmética. ¡Toma simbolismo!
2 comentarios:
¿qué nerices está lanzando Wonder Woman? ¿Son pintalabios y ...?
Si, WW es aquí una guerrera de la belleza cosmética :S
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